viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016
The New York Post (11/2, Tousignant) reports that Dr. Rodrigo Salazar, a dentist and specialist in oral rehabilitation, used a smartphone and low-cost printer to create a 3D-printed face prosthesis for Carlito Conceiao, of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2008, Conceiao was diagnosed with upper maxillary carcinoma, an “aggressive mouth cancer that damaged his throat and destroyed facial tissue.” While surgeons were able to operate before the cancer spread to Conceiao’s brain, the surgery required removing one of Conceiao’s eye sockets and part of his nose.
The Daily Mail (11/2, Mailonline) reports that for the “ground-breaking procedure,” Dr. Salazar from Paulista University (UNIP) in Sao Paulo used a free smartphone app called Autodesk 123D Catch to turn photos into the 3D model used to create the prosthesis. “We’ve developed an alternative and simplified low-cost procedure that captures patients’ facial anatomy and generates physical working models, giving us the equivalent results to prostheses produced on state-of-the-art equipment that costs hundreds of thousands of pounds,” said Dr. Salazar, who has been leading the project for two years. and the Oral Health Topics on provide information on oral and oropharyngeal cancer for patients and for dental professionals.
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