CCDPR y Delegado ADA trabajando pro colegiados

viernes, 31 de julio de 2020


We’re happy to share that the ADA will be sending an email today (Yesterday), inviting nonmember dentists in Puerto Rico to request their allotment of 25 KN95 masks by 3M.


The subject line in the invite email will read:

Subject: Limited PPE Courtesy of ADA and the Colegio


In the invitatin, nonmember dentists will be provided with a link to the registration form that requires the following:

ADA number (provided within the invite) and last name

Verify or edit their auto-populated information paying close attention to the shipping address

Confirm the request to receive an allotment of KN95 masks

Enter payment information for the $26.50 fee

As a reminder, the $26.50 covers processing, shipping, handling, and credit card fees. The ADA is NOT charging dentists for the masks as they were provided by FEMA at no cost. The ADA is charging the $26.50 only to recoup actual costs to receive, re-package, ship via UPS through our fulfillment partner PBD and credit card / processing fees.

Requests will be processed in the order they are received from each group of prioritized states. Once a dentist completes their on-line request and pays the fee, they will receive a confirmation email and can expect to receive their allotment within 10 business days. If inventory is not available when a dentist completes the request, they will be placed on a “waiting list” (back order) and informed of such. ADA will then send their back ordered allotment if and when ADA receives more product from FEMA. If additional inventory is not received, the $26.50 fee will be reversed on their credit card

Should you receive any nonmember dentist inquiries or concerns with logging in, please have them email the ADA Member Service Center the live chat or at

Thank you for your support and continued partnership.

Should you have any questions, please contact me.




Bridget Baxter, CAE

Senior Manager, Dental Society Outreach

Division of Member and Client Services

Cell: 216-272-1393



Como podemos solicitar las mascarillas?, no he recibido email. Gracias 

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

Saludos. Que puedo hacer para solicitar las mascarillas de la ADA. No he recibido el email.

Dra Doris R Maury


viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Estas mascarillas KN95 son del deposito nacional ("national stockpile") administrado por FEMA.  En la secuencia de grupos prioritarios, por fin nos toco a los dentistas (que decimos ser "first responders").  El ADA ha sido seleccionado como intermediario y las tiene que hacer disponibles a todo(a)s lo(a)s dentistas interesado(a)s (miembros del ADA y los no-miembros).  El CCDPR y sus oficiales no han intervenido de manera alguna para que esto sea extensivo a los dentistas aqui en PR (estos son meros trasmisores del mensaje).  Le recomiendo comunicarse directamente con la Srta. Bridget Baxter al tel,. que se indica y/o entrar a para procurar la informacion directamente de alli.

Edwin A. del Valle-Sepulveda DMD - Ex Delegado PR, Camara Delegados ADA. (

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020
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